I offer project- or time-based Linux, Security and Open Source engineering and consulting.
My expertise includes
- UNIX/Linux systems (Debian, Ubuntu, SLES, RHEL, OpenBSD)
- Large scale system and network design
- System and network management, automatisation (Red Hat Satellite, Foreman, Puppet, ..)
- System and network security/hardening
- Firewall engineering and management
- Intrusion detection and prevention (Suricata, Snort, Passivedns, ..)
- High- and low-interaction honeypots
- Disk- and memory-forensic
- Large scale system logging and monitoring (Splunk, Logstash)
- Web- and mailhosting environments (Apache 2.4, Nginx, Postfix, Dovecot)
- High availability, redundancy and load sharing
- Proxy- and Reverse-Proxy Systems (Apache, squid, Bluecoat, ..)
- Database engines (mysql, mariadb, postgreSQL)
- Server virtualisation and containerisation (RHEV, KVM, Atomic Host, Docker)
- NAC – Network Access Control for LAN and WLAN (PacketFence)